Why is outdated technology risky for your business?
I know it can be a pain to update your business technology: it costs money, time and you have to learn new stuff.
But there are huge risks for not updating. If you’re more visual, see the infographic below. If you learn more easily from text, keep reading.
Top 3 reasons outdated tech is risky
- System crashes – lost data and time
- Increased costs fixing old computers – one study shows that its costs 2 times as much to support a Windows XP computer than a newer operating system.
- Security holes – you’re risking your client data, credit and banking information and your company reputation.
That’s just from the owner perspective. One Microsoft study shows that 61% of customers thinks a small business is out of date if they’re using an operating system that is over 5 years old. There’s one major chain in Vancouver where I only use cash because their point of sale system is running on Windows XP.
Advantages of Upgrading
Forty-nine percent of small business owners say new technology such as cloud technology has been a key factor in allowing them to grow.
Sixty-six percent of owners say upgrading technology reduced their other IT costs.
Forty-nine percent of small business owners reported that new technology help them compete against larger organizations.
And, most importantly, 94% of business gain security advantages from upgrading.
Recently L’Oreal upgraded their systems because their existing systems were too slow and too confusing for their sales people. You can read the case study here.
Got outdated technology? Got an old computer? Need more mobile solutions? It’s time to upgrade.