Lots of late summer security blossoms from Patch Tuesday September 2023. So many I had one exasperated client ask me if everyone was having to do multiple updates and restarts the last two weeks.
Bug of the Month: Apple
Apple wins the most serious security bug of the month award. Apple rushed out a patch for iPhone and Mac September 7th. The bug is security flaw that infects via a specially crafted image on a web page. You don’t even have to click the picture to activate this bug. More on this rotten Apple bug and the patch here.
Adobe Acrobatics
Adobe fixed five security flaws last week including several that affect Acrobat and Reader both Windows and Mac Versions. One patch fixes a hole that is already being abused by hackers. No doubt hackers will reverse engineer the other four flaws to spread mayhem that way.
Firefox and Chrome updates
Mozilla fixed several Firefox, Thunderbird and Brave browser security flaws last week. Chrome joined the browser update party, I know you’re busy and in a hurry but take the time to update your browser, close and reopen it. These updates affect both Windows and Mac.
Microsoft Patch Medley
September 12th Microsoft released 59 patches for their products, seven are listed as critical. The Microsoft most serious bug of the month is a flaw in Word that hackers can use to hijack network accounts in Windows.
Always a good idea to schedule time to install Windows updates and make sure you have a backup of your computer.
Details about this Microsoft Patch Tuesday here.
More Apple updates
As part of their new products launch last week Apple released a new iOS for iPhone, iPad and Watch. Every iPhone from XS and XR up can run the new iOS 17.
The latest version of Watch, Watch 10, requires an iPhone running iOS 17 to work.
Apple delayed releasing macOS Sonoma until September 26th.
More details on all the news Apple software and which devices can run it is here.
Patch Tuesday September 2023
Schedule some time to update your devices. If you’re not sure what you should be patching or why, read Patch Primer for Small Business.