Patch Tuesday November 2018

Patch Tuesday November 2018: all the patch and security news you need for your small business.

Windows 10 Fall Update

The Windows 10 Fall Update, originally slated for release in mid October, has been pulled again by Microsoft. The third attempt at a stable build was another failure. You have to wonder about Microsoft’s commitment to properly test updates before releasing them onto the public. The worst part about this is that it discourages folks from updating their computers. Patching is still your best defense against most of the virus/ransomware nasties out there.

Other Microsoft Mayhem

Microsoft released a slew of patches on November 13th including fixes for Bitlocker encryption and Edge. There were also patches for all version of Word (including Mac). More details here.

Are you using Skype for Business? Patch now. There’s a flaw that allows the app to be crashed by kitten emojis. No, really. Details here.

Adobe Hot Flash

You’re not imagining it, there have been three urgent patches in the last few weeks for Adobe Flash. If you are using Firefox, you need to patch manually by going here. Be sure to uncheck all the unwanted crap Adobe bundles with the update. Chrome and Windows get the updates automatically.

Adobe also released security updates for Reader and Acrobat. Also Photoshop CC needs to be patched.

Bite of the Apple

Apple released updates for all its product October 30th. Key updates include a new version of iOS for all your iThingys, update to Safari, update to OS X Mojave, Sierra and High Sierra and Apple TV.

More patches were released early in November for MacBook Air and Apple Watch.

Patch now or get bitten.

Android Updates

Google released Android updates on November 5th. Details here. Google urges all Android users to update to the latest version of Android, version 9 aka Android Pie.

According to Google, updating to Android Pie reduces the number of internet nasties by half. More details here.

Patch Tuesday November 2018: an ounce of patching is cheaper than a pound of hacking.