Patch Tuesday March 2022

Patch Tuesday March 2022: computer security marches on for your small business.

Apple Bytes

Apple released iOS 15.4 March 15th. If you have an iPhone 12 or higher this version includes a feature for facial ID to work even if you’re wearing mask.

Apple also released mac OS 12.3 Monterey and updates for Watch and Apple TV.

Apple update details here.

Update March 31st. Apple releases patch to fix battery draining patch for iPhones version 15.4. Also updates for iPad and Watch. Details here.

Windows Updates Mayhem Marches On

It was a rough Patch Tuesday on March 8th for Windows folks. Three patches (fixing about 70 problems) were thrust upon folks. And I mean thrust. Even if your computer settings were clearly marked don’t do this during business hours, Microsoft installed patches in the background causing all kinds of problems. I restarted my desktop twice and finally had to cold boot it before it would behave. Also fielded calls from a few clients having problems that morning.

And Microsoft wonders why people turn off the updates. More details on the Microsoft updates here.

You can set the sometime effectual computer hours where Microsoft won’t reboot your computer via Settings, Update & Security, Change Active Hours.

Adobe Updates

Adobe officially released updates for Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects. Unofficially several clients reported updates to the dreaded Adobe Cloud Desktop program. Details here.

WordPress Security Update

WordPress.Org has updated WordPress to version 5.9.2. This version includes three security updates as well as a bug fix.

With WordPress updates, you can expect plugin updates shortly thereafter.

Patch Tuesday March 2022: an ounce of patching is cheaper than a pound of hacking.